Given the Covid-19 situation we all find ourselves in, we have made a few changes to our regular spring schedule. First, our spring bike swap is cancelled this year, hopefully pushed to a later date.

Thanks very much for your patience as we all figure this out. Check out httpss:// for more information.

The season has begun, its time for our 5th annual Spring Bike Swap!

When: Sunday, March 22nd, 10am-2pm

Where: Cycling Elements parking lot, 2 Wellington St. Orangeville

How it Works – Buy a Bike


Come down to the shop Sunday morning starting at 10am and see what we have. Typically, we get a good range of sizes in various styles of bikes, in the past we have gotten a great selection of Kids Bikes from 12″ – 24″ wheels, a mix of hardtail and full suspension Mountain Bikes, and finally an assortment of Road and Hybrid Bikes. We typically see a wide range of price points, from older functional bikes we call “$75 specials” to $300-500 mid range bikes, and some high-end bikes over a $1000. The staff is here to help guide you towards a bike that suits you, but all prices are decided a head of time and bikes are sold as is. Meaning some bikes might need additional service to get them 100%. Once again staff will help you sort out the differences. Once you find your new bike you simply pay for it and take it home.

How it Works – Sell a Bike


Bring your bike down to the shop Thursday the 19th, or Friday the 20th during store hours. Once we see the bike, we will help you asses its value using our judgement and, and finalize a price. Then we see what happens, if it sells at the swap, you get to decide if you want 100% of the bikes sale value as a store credit, or 80% of the sale price in cash. You will be notified if your bike sold or not the following Tuesday and Wednesday. If it did not sell, we ask you to pick up the bike by Saturday March 28. If you have not made other arrangements to pick up your unsold bike and its still here after the 28th, it will be donated to a local charity.

For more Information: please contact the shop – 519.307.4100 or

Sun: Closed. Mon: Closed. Tues: 10-6. Wed: 10-6. Thurs: 10-6. Fri: 10-6. Sat:10-4.