Remember this is not your typical spin class, we have a Real Coach, Real Music and your Own Bike!!!

We work hard and the Spinning Plan is designed by Richard Pady as a proper training routine, but we welcome all ages, abilities and bicycle styles. It’s a good crew, come join us.


We are riding on Monday Dec 30th, And Saturday Classes Start on Jan 4th. 7:15 am


202 First St. Orangeville. Above the Habitat for Humanity Reuse Store

It sounds a little sketchy, but we have to go around to the back of the building past Centennial Windows and Doors and into the proped-open unmarked red door. Then you will go into a generic stairway and walk up to the space.



Because of the limited space for parking at the Venue, we need to be aware of our neighbours at Fred’s Tire. Please park in front of the Habitate for Humanity Building, or along the north side of the building with out blocking the path to the spin entrance door. We are being allowed to use this space space as a favor, and need to respect the landlord and their neighbours for allowing us to use the space. Thank you for your consideration, see the map for more details.


First Class:

Monday, December 2nd 2019

Last Class:

Saturday, March 28th 2020


1 hr class – Monday and Wednesday: 7pm

2 hr class – Starting Janurary 4th 7:15am


Mr. Richard Pady

(when you’re this good they call you Mr.)


All three days – 285
One day a week – 215
Trainer rental -100
Drop in – 15


You need your own bike, but you can rent a trainer for the season

Most of the class will be wearing their outdoor cycling kit, including padded shorts, jersey, and clipless shoes/pedals.

To get the most out of the workouts, some extras help like a cadence sensor, heart rate monitor, and power meter if you really want to get specific with targets and goals.

We will have a small display of cycling essestials on site: bottles, drink mix, toe clips, demo saddles, shorts, etc.

Oh ya, bring a towel… we work hard and sweat accordingly

If you have any questions, comments or ideas please let us know

Bike Drop off –

To make life easier for the first class you have three options for getting your bike set up:

  1. Drop off your bike, trainer and trainer tire directly at the Spin Studio on Monday Nov 25th at 6:30pm till 8:00pm, or Wednesday Nov 27th, 6:30pm till 8:00pm
  2. Drop off your bike, trainer tire and trainer at the shop the week before classes start during store business hours and Zach and Jeff will take it over and get it all set up for $20.
  3. Bring everything on the first night (we would prefer to have everything set up before the first class, so please only use this as a last resort )

To sign up please swing by the shop

and for more information email

Sun: Closed. Mon: Closed. Tues: 10-6. Wed: 10-6. Thurs: 10-6. Fri: 10-6. Sat:10-4.