We believe in the bicycle, it is a tool for freedom, tranquility, and fun. It’s a necessary escape in these difficult times. If you do choose to ride, please take it easy.  Ride under your normal limit, there is no need to take risks and put an extra burden on an already overwhelmed healthcare system. Go for a cruise, feel the wind in your face, wave at people you pass (don’t stop to talk), and have a bit of fun (just not too much).

We are pleased to be able to continue providing service to our wonderful customers, as Bicycle Repair is deemed an essential service.

Ontario releases list of essential workplaces that can remain open amid COVID-19 outbreak:

  1. Motor vehicle, auto-supply, auto and motor-vehicle-repair, including bicycle repair, aircraft repair, heavy equipment repair, watercraft/marine craft repairs, car and truck dealerships and related facilities.

Although we will remain open for sales and service, we are only allowing 1 customer in the store at a time. Practicing social distancing is essential for the health of us all. If you do not need to come into the store, please don’t. We thank you for your understanding and patience.

What does this mean?

  • If you have any flu, or cough and cold like symptoms, or have been travelling recently, we kindly ask that you refrain from coming into the store, as per the government of Canada’s recommendations. This is for everyone’s safety.
  • For general inquiries: where to ride, discussing new product, what upgrades we recommend, or any other ideas that pop into your head while you’re at home cruising the internet. Please reach out to us by phone, text, email, or direct message on Facebook and Instagram. This will limit face to face time in the store, allowing us to work more efficiently and serve everybody equally.
  • If you are planning to come into the store, please give us a heads up so we know when to expect you and for what. There is a good chance we can answer most of your questions over the phone or online.
  • For service, we can book appointments and schedule pick up/drop off times for you, so please reach out to us before coming in if you can.
  • For sales, we know the riding season will come eventually and you may need a new bike for you and your family. Reach out to us, we can point you in the right direction and answer most of your questions a head of time, limiting your time in the store.
  • We can pick up and deliver at no charge! Let us know if you are unable to make it in and we can arrange for your bikes to be picked up and dropped off for service, or even deliver your new bike, helmet or other accessories!
  • Finally, we are going to continue to evolve our retail practices as we find better ways to serve customers through this unprecedented situation.

Thank you everyone for your understanding and patience as we all try to figure this out. Just remember, it’s a temporary situation, yet extreme and serious, so lets all work together and get through this.

From our family to yours,

Jeff, Zach, Phil, Stacey, and Monty.

Sun: Closed. Mon: Closed. Tues: 10-6. Wed: 10-6. Thurs: 10-6. Fri: 10-6. Sat:10-4.